Media Inquires

Welcome to Free Luma Bracelets!

Thank you for your interest in Free Luma. We're excited to connect with media professionals, influencers, and bloggers who share our passion for unique, handcrafted accessories.

For all media inquiries, including interviews, collaborations, press materials, or additional information about Free Luma, please contact us through one of the following channels:

Contact Information:


    Press Kit:

    We have prepared a comprehensive press kit that includes high-resolution images, our brand story, and detailed information about our products. To request access to our press kit, please send an email to with the subject line "Press Kit Request."

    Collaboration Opportunities:

    At Free Luma Bracelets, we believe in the power of collaboration. If you're an influencer, blogger, or content creator interested in partnering with us, we would love to hear from you! Please send your collaboration proposals to

    We look forward to working with you and sharing the beauty and craftsmanship of Free Luma with the world.

    Thank you for your support!

    Warm regards,

    The Free Luma Team